New Student Instructions
Welcome to my Asvab class. If you learn what we cover, you will pass. I served in the Marine Corps, Army & NCNG. I scored a perfect 99 Asvab score. I have helped over 3000 people pass the Asvab. Thank you, Andy
I was in the Marine Corps, Army & NC National Guard. I scored a perfect 99 Asvab score. I graduated Fayetteville State University, BA degree in Political Science & Education. I have helped over 2000 people pass the Asvab and you are next.
- Make sure you have the Zoom app on your phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
- Be active in our FB Group.
- You can join any class anytime you want. Watch videos anytime you want. Live classes are available every day, 7 days a week. Times are eastern time zone.
Mon thru Thurs is 12pm, 6pm, 12 midnight; Fri is 12pm, 8pm; Sat & Sun is 5pm, 8pm - See map below for your time zone. Join the live class and watch videos. Use all the tools we have! The videos match the page number or topics in the book.
- Need Study partner? Tag Anthony Miller in our FB Group and he will match you with another paid member. Tell him the State you live in so the time zones are the same.
- To join live class; login on my website, tap “Live Class” follow instructions from Zoom. See video that was sent in email. Passcode to join class is forge (all lowercase letters).
- From the homepage, tap or click “Video Lessons” to find the videos. The “Vocab & Paragraph” section has items that are on the real test. Learn the prefixes & root words!
- Now go look over page 2—Powerful information that will help you make a big score increase.